Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Little known Nat-facts

1. If I see something that looks soft or fluffy, I HAVE to touch it. I once woke up an old man sitting in front of me on an airplane because I stroked his hair.

2. I never screw the milk lid on all the way

3. I will NOT eat blue food under any circumstances

4. I wear my underwear inside out all the time by mistake

5. I'm a germ-a-phobe.. I will not touch bathroom doors without a paper towel, and I open public doors with my feet. I hate baths because I feel like I'm soaking in my own filth. I wash my hands at least 10 times while cooking, BUT I don't always wash apples before eating them! I have no explanation for this.

6. I turn my pillow over about 10 times a night because I like the cold side

7. I listen to Light FM 100 when no one is in the car with me. SHUT UP, I LIKE DAN FOGLEBURG!

8. I CAN'T STAND PT CRUISERS! Seeing one can ruin my day.

9. I wear tube socks to church under my dress boots

10. I would agree with People Magazine, that George Cloony could be the sexiest man alive, IF he had two separate eyebrows.

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